WordsWorth offers the option of a free initial 30-minute consultation with you and your child to determine if he/she would benefit from a full evaluation. This provides education to families to support informed decision making. An hour long screening is available for younger children, ages 4-6, for a $80 fee.
Lesley Pech has been approved as a diagnostician by the International Dyslexia Association - Rocky Mountain Branch. Speech-Language Pathologists specialize in pinpointing the cause of learning difficulties through comprehensive assessments designed to address the component skills of reading, language, and learning. Our evaluations go beyond standard reading tests to account for the role of oral and written language skills as well as underlying cognitive abilities. Evaluations typically require 5-6 hours to complete and are scheduled on weekday mornings. A separate appointment will provide families with results, resources and a discussion of your child's learning profile. The assessment results are used to inform an accurate diagnosis, develop focused interventions in the areas of need, and identify appropriate academic accommodations or modifications for your child.
Assessment reports will include a clear diagnostic statement, recommendations for specialized instruction when appropriate, as well as serve as documentation to be considered for eligibility for an Individualized Education Program (IEP), Section 504 plan, and extended time on college entrance exams.